Apple Computer’s Macintosh LC 520 CD: All-In-One Education Student Workstation
Designed for Education
The Apple® Macintosh® LC 520 computer, the newest member of Apple Computer’s LC “Learning Computer” family, combines sound, video, graphics, and text into one student workstation. Educators have told us that combining these media features greatly enhances the learning process in classrooms, media labs, and collaborative workgroup settings.
This high-performance computer with built-in 14" high-quality color display, double-speed CD-ROM drive, stereo speakers, and microphone allows students to experience more fully the excitement of learning as they explore and author information in various formats.
The all-in-one Macintosh LC 520 design is ideal for education. There are fewer external parts to monitor, catalog, and secure. Additionally, it’s compact enough to be moved easily from desk to rolling cart. Setting up is easy because there is only one unit and one plug.
Macintosh Advantages
Easy to Use
Because the Macintosh LC 520 is a complete system, you can take it out of the box and have it up and running in no time. You won’t have to spend much time learning or teaching new applications because all Macintosh applications follow the same consistent interface. When using Macintosh, rather than other computers, you’ll have more time for teaching and learning and spend less time figuring out how to use the computer.
Built-in Connectivity
We’ve built connectivity into every Macintosh. Unlike other computers which require additional networking cards or software, you can connect your Macintosh LC 520 to a printer or a network in your classroom, district office, or school library simply by plugging in a cable. The Macintosh also offers a wide array of high-speed networking options, from Ethernet to Token Ring.
Wealth of Available Applications
At Apple, we realize that educators require more than a box of computer hardware, so we continually work with solution providers and professional organizations to provide innovative solutions in virtually every area, including curriculum, teacher productivity, and administration. No matter what you or your students need to accomplish, there’s a Macintosh application that will help you reach your goals.
Apple Technology and Education
Since our formation in 1977, Apple has been synonymous with technology in education. From the Apple II to the Macintosh LC family of computers, Apple continues to be the leading and preferred supplier of advanced personal computer systems to schools. Today, 9 out of 10 schools use Apple computers* and Apple technology is benefiting more and more students and educators everyday.
Apple became the leader in educational technology because we’ve listened to educators and built the kind of powerful learning tools they need to create exciting learning experiences for students. The Macintosh LC 520 is the most recent example of Apple’s collaboration with educators and our efforts to continue to develop leading edge technology that empowers learners, teachers, and administrators to reach their full potential.
CD-ROM and Multimedia
The CD-ROM drive built into the Macintosh LC 520 demonstrates Apple’s commitment to providing educators with leading edge technologies. Many educational publishers are moving to the CD-ROM format to take advantage of new multimedia technologies that require more disk space than high density floppy diskettes can provide. CD-ROMs are at the heart of these new multimedia technologies.
Macintosh multimedia technology is a valuable tool in helping teachers create dynamic learning environments. Educators are finding that interactive multimedia enhances learning and teaching. Students using multimedia
CD-ROM encyclopedias gain an enriched reference tool with access to video, animation, and sound as well as text. Students are also creating and presenting exciting original projects and reports using multimedia authoring tools. Teachers are discovering that multimedia can be an engaging classroom presentation tool.
By incorporating a CD-ROM into every Macintosh LC 520, Apple is ensuring that educators can take advantage of future technologies and learning tools.
Exceptional Value at $1599**
More than you imagined for less than you expected.
Apple Computer’s Macintosh LC 520:
Features and Specifications
Key Macintosh LC 520 Features
Convenience/Ease of Use
•All-in-one design for easy setup and use
•One plug computer
•Front panel contrast and volume controls
•Front panel headphone jack
•Power on/off from keyboard
•Energy-saving feature reduces power consumption by over 50% Power and Speed
•25-MHz 68030 microprocessor with 32-bit data bus runs applications twice as fast as the Macintosh LC II Memory
•5MB of RAM, expandable to 36MB via one double-sided, 72-pin SIMM
•768K VRAM for 16-bit color standard
•80MB hard disk
•Built-in ports for peripheral devices such as hard drives, printers, scanners, and modems
•LC processor-direct slot for additional expansion card such as the Apple IIe card to run Apple II software
•Socket for optional math coprocessor
High Quality Color
•14" RGB Trinitron® display
•640 x 480 pixel resolution
•69 dots per inch
•32,768 colors built in
•Meets ELF/VLF requirements
Built-in Media Capabilities
•Double-speed CD-ROM drive
•Enhanced stereo speakers
Features Built Into Every Macintosh
•Runs thousands of Macintosh applications
•Easy to set up, learn and use
System Software
•System software version 7.1, with multitasking, file sharing, Balloon Help,™ True Type™ fonts, and more
•Built-in AppleTalk® networking
•File sharing without a dedicated server
•Reads and writes Macintosh, MS-DOS, OS/2, and ProDOS® disks
Ordering Information
Macintosh LC 520 5/80/CD*
M1778LL/A $1,509
Macintosh LC 520 5/80/CD* w/ set-up
B1415LL/A $1,569
* Keyboard, system software back-up disks, and manuals sold separately
Call your Apple representative today for more information. If you don’t know who your Apple representative is call 800-800-APPL.